3 events found.
Supervisor Training Series Part 3 – Boise
ICRMP Building 3100 Vista Avenue, BoiseCourse Information The Supervisor Training Series is designed for new supervisors and current supervisors who have not had supervisor training before or want to brush up on skills. The Supervisor […]
Workplace Harassment for Today’s Law Enforcement Personnel
Bingham County Sheriff's Office 501 N. Maple St, BlackfootDetailed Course Information: Link This course is open to all sworn or non-sworn law enforcement personnel, in any division of Law Enforcement or related public service agency personnel. The POST […]
Workplace Harassment for Today’s Law Enforcement Personnel
Bingham County Sheriff's Office 501 N. Maple St, BlackfootDetailed Course Information: Link This course is open to all sworn or non-sworn law enforcement personnel, in any division of Law Enforcement or related public service agency personnel. The POST […]