High Risk Patrol Procedures/Vehicle Operations

Owyhee County Sheriff's Office 205 8th Ave W., Marsing, ID, United States

Detailed Course Information: Link This course is open to all Patrol personnel in both sheriff's offices and Police Departments. Attendees can expect a classroom discussion training, where problem solving, and decision making will be discussed. Responding to calls, balancing of use of force authorizatin with case laws surrounding pursuits and lethal force justifications will be […]

Legal Updates Detainment/Seizure/Use of Force for Patrol & Detention

Owyhee County Sheriff's Office 205 8th Ave W., Marsing, ID, United States

Detailed Course Information: Link This course is open to all sworn Patrol and Detention personnel in both Sheriff’s Offices and Police Departments. Attendees can expect a classroom discussion training, where problem solving, and decision making will be discussed. Recent national cases will be reviewed, with both court findings and on body camera recordings discussed. Federal […]

Legal Updates Detainment/Seizure/Use of Force for Patrol & Detention

Owyhee County Sheriff's Office 205 8th Ave W., Marsing, ID, United States

Detailed Course Information: Link This course is open to all sworn Patrol and Detention personnel in both Sheriff’s Offices and Police Departments. Attendees can expect a classroom discussion training, where problem solving, and decision making will be discussed. Recent national cases will be reviewed, with both court findings and on body camera recordings discussed. Federal […]

Legal Updates Detainment/Seizure/Use of Force for Patrol & Detention

Owyhee County Sheriff's Office 205 8th Ave W., Marsing, ID, United States

Detailed Course Information: Link This course is open to all sworn Patrol and Detention personnel in both Sheriff’s Offices and Police Departments. Attendees can expect a classroom discussion training, where problem solving, and decision making will be discussed. Recent national cases will be reviewed, with both court findings and on body camera recordings discussed. Federal […]